as the doors open...

When you walk into a new church it is often with some anxiety.
Will you like it there? Will the people be nice? Will you feel welcome?

At Harmony Assembly, we try our best to make the answer to those questions a "yes". Not everyone likes things the same way, but we all need acceptance and a feeling of family when it comes to our church experience. We work hard to make sure that Harmony Assembly is a place that can happen. We think that work has paid off.


Music is an eternal and universal language.

Loving God through worship isn't a one way conversation. God loves back. Harmony Assembly puts a high value on worship with quality and substance. Singing a few songs is nice, letting music lead you to a touch from God is better.

We view worship as a harmony between art, emotion, and the beautiful truth of a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It is a thing worth singing about.


People are what matters. It is why Jesus came to earth in the first place.

Family and friends make life worth while. They are God's greatest gift to mankind. We believe in fostering that gift by creating a place where you can take family and make friends. Harmony Assembly works to be an extension of family. We want to be a place that nurtures families and for people without a supportive family to find one.


Nothing changes things like the Word of God accepted with an open heart.

Theology is a moving thing. While the culture shifts, God's Word remains consistent. We see the study of God's word as a constant effort to relate the Bible's timeless truth to our daily life. Each message is thoughtfully prepared to help everyone navigate the often murky waters of modern life. We strive to provide solid Bible based answers that can be applied to daily life.